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Apr 30, 2019

42% of consumers say they don't know which companies to trust

42% of consumers say they don't know which companies to trust

42% of consumers say they don't know which companies to trust

According to the report Edelman Trust Barometer Report in 2019, 42% of consumers say they don't know which companies to trust. This is a very relevant figure and one that should make many companies think about the way they operate.

However, this figure also represents a huge challenge for communication professionals. On the one hand, the public's distrust of brands is due to less correct practices on their part, and this type of behavior must be changed. On the other hand, communication professionals will have to be able to convey that same image and get the public to trust brands again.

This is not an easy challenge. We live in a time when information circulates at dizzying speed and the veracity of the information matters little. There are countless cases in which the public, even the most educated and attentive, take certain information as true when it doesn't correspond to the truth.

Is the current situation complicated? No doubt about it. However, it also presents opportunities for brands that know how (and want) to do it. The solution lies in adopting more transparent practices and establishing a relationship of trust and closeness with their consumers. Communication will certainly play an essential role in this whole process.



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