An event deserves an organization worthy of and worthy of those who make and promote it. A Promoting Events for Journalists follows the same precept and has as its objective the dissemination and streamlining of a company's or institution's communication with the different media.

To publish good content, of public interest, with the ideal of educating and informing without submitting to the dictatorship of the agenda and the simplifying generalization is what journalists are supposed to do after a Promoting Events for JournalistsIt is up to the company or institution to produce high quality content, taking care with advisory information and daring to surprise journalists, and consequently the media and their audience, with more complex content, ensuring that the information about the company or institution transmitted and promoted in the events is of quality and interest to reach the consumer audience.

From the program to the invitation, from the announcement and dissemination, through protocol and cattering, a media event, and the rest stakeholdersWhether in a business or institutional context, it deserves an organization that dignifies it and values those who carry it out, promote it, and disseminate it.

The different types of media and their respective platforms are communication tools par excellence in a multidisciplinary strategy based on complementary approaches. The development and dissemination of journalistic content and selective approaches to the media allow the mass dissemination of information to a wide audience or the contact with a sectorial target through specialized publications.

By implementing Marketing Communication actions aimed at transforming the information conveyed about products and services into perceptions about their attributes and positioning, SayU awareness development around the brand and the organization.





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