Cookie Policy


Say U Consulting uses cookies to improve the performance of its website and your visitor experience. This page seeks to explain how we do this.

On Say U Consulting's website, we use both our own (necessary/essential) and third-party cookies.

The data collected by the necessary (essential) cookies used and placed on the Say U Consulting website allow us to analyze the use of our digital platforms to ensure that everything works properly. Pseudonymous identifiers are used to track user navigation. These identifiers help, in many cases, to understand usage behavior to ensure and improve the level of service of the Say U Consulting website, but do not enable Say U Consulting to identify the user.

In addition to our cookies, the Say U Consulting website allows the installation of third-party cookies. These cookies allow the collection of data that can enable third-party analysis tools to identify users (for example, through IP addresses).

At any time, you can configure your internet browser to accept or reject new cookies, as well as disable cookies previously stored on your device. The rejection of the use of cookies on the Say U Consulting website may limit or prevent access to some areas and content or limit the receipt of personalized information.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer or mobile device via your web browser during a visit to a digital platform in order to store, retrieve or update data.

These files allow the digital platform to "remember" your actions and preferences, such as your name, chosen language, font size and other display settings; they prevent you from having to enter your name each time you access; or from having to reconfigure the digital platform each time you visit.

Most cookies do not collect information to identify users and are limited to collecting information of a more general nature, such as where the user arrives at the digital platform from or the approximate location of the user.

How do you use Say U Consulting the cookies?

Say U Consulting uses two types of cookies, for different purposes:

  • Required (essential) cookies;
  • Functional cookies.

REQUIRED COOKIES: are necessary/essential for navigation and are automatically activated when you use our website.

Examples of allowed features:

  • Remind you of the progress of your task;
  • Conduct analysis to optimize operation;
  • Ensure that our website looks consistent.

FUNCTIONAL COOKIES: offer a more personalized and complete experience of Say U Consulting content, allow you to save preferences and promote social interactions, as well as analyze usage for optimization of digital platforms.

Examples of allowed features:

  • Conduct analysis to optimize functionality;
  • Allow third parties to provide social sharing tools;
  • Allow you to send messages;
  • Analyze the use of our website to provide more relevant content.

Are all cookies stored forever?

No, there are permanent cookies and session cookies:

  • Permanent Cookies: are stored at the browser level on the user's access devices (computer, tablet mobile), and are used whenever the user makes a new visit to the digital platforms. Generally, they are used to target navigation to meet the user's interests, allowing Say U Consulting to provide a more personalized service;
  • Session cookies: are temporary, they remain in the cookies of your internet browser until you leave the digital platforms. The information obtained allows us to identify problems and find solutions to offer you a better browsing experience.

How can I change my preferences?

At the beginning of your navigation, you will have the opportunity to choose whether the Say U Consulting website may use functional cookies and. Say U Consulting will inform third parties that place cookies on its website of your preferences.

Can I disable the use of cookies?

You may choose to disable cookies found in your web browser using its settings management tool. However, by disabling cookies, the Say U Consulting website will perform differently, with a lower level of service.

If you do so for the essential cookies we place, your use of our website may be impaired because the cookies we use are found to be necessary for its operation.

To modify your settings or disable the use of cookies, you can follow the instructions provided in your web browser or device (usually located under "Settings" or "Preferences").

Last updated May 24, 2018.

About General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016).


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