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Mar 2, 2021

Communication in the "relationship" factor

Communication Strategy


Communication Strategy


In general, the pandemic has caused disorganization and worsened the situation in sectors that were already struggling. Prevented from traveling, the proximity to the client has brought a new challenge for professionals.

This relational dimension of proximity, which in the past was based on physical contact, cannot mean abandoning principles that are at the root of an organization's culture. The need to be close, to exchange ideas, to offer and receive inputs must continue. And it requires a reinvention of the "relationship" factor. The principle of proximity will continue to be present, but in a renewed form.

The companies that are most flexible when it comes to communicating are the most successful, striving to understand and adjust this relationship, recognizing that trust with customers is often based on communication, which should now, more than ever, be relational, personalized, genuine and based on the closeness that is possible.

This is fundamental to guaranteeing market positioning and a relationship of trust with customers. stakeholders, making it more likely to achieve the objectives. The main challenge has been how to keep communication active.


Face ao crescente abandono dos meios tradicionais e neste clima de incerteza e dúvida exige-se uma comunicação mais rápida e direcionada, aliada a uma enorme capacidade de adaptação e flexibilidade. Ao mesmo tempo, a comunicação tornou-se urgente para manter o nível de reputação da organização junto da opinião pública.

Different visions of the role of communication in organizations make the internal structures assigned to it equally different: integrated structures dependent on the marketing area, professionals who occasionally support this area or communication centred on the management team or directors who place the communication strategy in their respective business units. Communication sometimes combines responsibilities for PR, brand positioning and identity, internal communication, commercial communication and commercial positioning guidelines.

A comunicação a desenvolver deve ser clara, promovendo informação e formação para lidar com conteúdos que são partilhados de forma muito dispersa e potenciam a preocupação e a confusão. A promoção a realizar promete ser ambiciosa e inspiradora para os objetivos e posicionamento da empresa, encontrando formas de tornar mais tangível o valor de cada proposta. As estratégias de comunicação do futuro são voltadas para ambientes digitais e para trazer as empresas ao contacto direto com o público, com menos custos que uma estratégia presencial e possibilidades acrescidas de sucesso.


Communication emerges as the voice of brands in a context of increasing "noise", inspiring trust and serving as an anchor in the relationship with the public.

Count on us to give your brand a voice.



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