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Jun 29, 2021

Potentiation, evaluation and foresight

Enhancing communication

Enhancing communication

Communication allows for the promotion of established values within an organization, as well as the creation of narratives related to all forms of tangible and intangible organizational capital. Enhancing communication is to design coherent and consistent messages and communicate them to all stakeholders through a wide range of channels and tools, based on a communication plan that allows information to be more effectively directed to stakeholders.

The axis enhancing communication  passes a corporate narrative strategy to guarantee a unified story that makes it possible to assess whether the campaigns and projects that drive the organization strengthen differentiation and identification with the brand; respond to the business model and strategy; build trust, legitimacy and reputation; and are relevant, shared and create cohesion among the various stakeholders. stakeholders.

The evaluation of the Public Relations and Communications function, and of the organization as a whole, based on forward-looking methodologies in a logic of future-oriented knowledge and learning is a solid and sophisticated performance measurement system for non-financial metrics (KPIs for reputation, brand, alignment, interaction). A evaluation and outlook is crucial for the early identification of possible futures and the continuous monitoring of changes for informed and sustained decision-making.

The axis evaluation and outlook has its foundation in the establishment and internal consolidation of non-financial metrics and indicators such as social object (internal and external), brand, commitment, corporate reputation, customer satisfaction and likelihood of recommendation, among others; in the development and promotion of studies, social trends and analysis methodologies that provide an in-depth understanding of the social context, needs and expectations; and in the Application of scenario and foresight methodologies to identify what is not known but needs to be known in order to make better decisions in a logic of future-oriented knowledge and learning.

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