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Aug 9, 2022

From traditional PR to new PR 4.0

Sobreviver na era digital, de RP 4.0, não é uma tarefa simples para marcas e organizações.


Esta conjuntura é caracterizada pelo vasto leque de novos gadgets e a predominância de plataformas de redes sociais. A path is thus emerging between traditional PR and the new PR 4.0. 


Technology has brought major changes in terms of communication. In return, the way we view the practice of Public Relations has changed dramatically. Traditional PR no longer exists. However, it has become necessary to adapt to the changes in order to keep up with a new, more competitive, diverse and demanding market. 

Contrary to what you might think, PR is neither obsolete nor has it lost its value. As a traditional tool, they continue to play a pivotal role in brand promotions, have the ability to gain credibility, to show achievements, demonstrate commitment and open up new avenues for communication. 


Digital transformation 

How about Digital Marketing and Communication? How do we adapt to this new paradigm? Public Relations needs to be up-to-date and exposed to new transformations. What does this framework consist of? Firstly, two fundamental aspects must be taken into account: a consistent, quality website and a strong presence on social media, since PR generates traffic. To this end, it is necessary to look professional and regularly update the platforms. Good websites are visually appealing and contain quality images. They reveal well thought-out strategies that reveal the brand's identity. A unique digital presence that follows technological innovations helps companies gain credibility and stand out in a highly competitive market. 

When it comes to social media, the most important thing is to have a notable, active and continuous presence. Without neglecting traditional channels, it is through these new platforms that the different targets will want to communicate. 

Social media generates content that allows you to get in touch and create important connections.  

Traditional PR is in good shape. We just need to understand their power in this digital age and the tactics that can boost them, completing the necessary journey from traditional PR to the new PR 4.0. This involves a lot of effort and dedication. But when it's done right, PR helps give brands a voice and organizations reach unimaginable heights. Do you need our guidance on this journey? 

Contact us to guide your PR 4.0 strategy.



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