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Dec 15, 2014

Implementing the "final" reorganizations in the organization

Implementing the "final" reorganizations in the organization

When it comes to designing a change in an organization, doing so by force is never an option. Unlike reorganizations of the past that were carried out quickly, decisively and often without any concern for the culture of the organization, this transition must be conducted with care and should be allowed to unfold naturally. What follows is a set of steps to consider:

  1. Assess the organization's professionals and culture. You will be asking them to carry out a radical transformation that may seem daunting at times. To be successful, it must be based on a clear understanding of who is prepared to change and who will resist this process.
  2. Select a method for delegate authority and develop the structure. You can choose an existing model or a hybrid that best suits your particular situation. The truth is that the starting point is not as important as the ability to evolve along the way.
  3. Select a product/service or consumer typology that you can easily isolate and address. The aim is to develop a team that has absolute control over the experience of a restricted group of customers.
  4. Boosting the density of talent. To be able to take advantage of this amount of freedom and uncertainty, the organization's professionals will need to be highly qualified. Once this team (or teams) is (are) defined, you can move on to trying to fill the gap. skills and missing skills.
  5. Practice. The group must conduct its activity in the face of this new approach in a total way, without interruptions or interference from the other processes of conducting its work. business.






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