Além de facilitar a rotina diária dos profissionais, a IA para empresas também pode ser responsável por ajudar indústrias, organizações e marcas nos seus processos de tomada de decisão, melhorando dinâmicas e aumentando o retorno financeiro.
Por isso, o investimento em IA tem crescido mundialmente e tem feito a diferença nos mais variados setores da atividade económica.
It is therefore important to look at the perspective of companies that use the Artificial Intelligence in your daily life:
A Netflix has revolutionized the streaming by using a personalization strategy with user-centric recommendations. Using AI and data analysis, Netflix is able to deliver a personalized service that makes its subscribers more satisfied by finding what they need without having to search too much. A feature that has made Netflix the world leader in streaming services.
American Express
A American Express, a financial services company, uses the many capabilities and advantages of AI for fraud prevention. With data analysis algorithms embedded in a dynamic pricing process, the company is able to save millions by avoiding losses. In this way, it can, among other things, detect fraud or set credit limits according to the risk profile of its customers.
It's no surprise that Google, the world's largest search engine, uses Artificial Intelligence resources for its searches and recommendations. However, it's not just limited to this feature. Some other Google systems that also use AI are the following:
- Google Assistant;
- Google Photos - for recognizing and grouping images;
- Gmail - for suggesting texts while writing an email;
- Google Maps - when suggesting smaller routes.
Through these examples it is possible to understand the benefits that AI brings to the business world, namely increased safety, reduced maintenance costs and greater productivity.
Além disso, é também importante destacar que a evolução da IA para empresas contribuiu para o surgimento de novos empregos e estudos recentes revelam que cerca de 75% dos empreendedores acreditam que a Inteligência Artificial irá permitir a criação de novos postos de trabalho.