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Mar 3, 2020

Nielsen | Consumer Confidence in Portugal

Confiança e otimismo em alta para 2020


  • Portuguese are the most optimistic among Southern European countries

  • Concern about global warming rises to 3rd place


Lisboa, fevereiro de 2020 – No quarto trimestre de 2019, os portugueses voltaram a mostrar-se mais confiantes do que os consumidores a nível europeu. Segundo os resultados do estudo “The Conference Board® Global Consumer Confidence Survey”, conduzido em colaboração com a Nielsen, o grau de confiança registado entre os consumidores portugueses manteve o seu máximo histórico, acima da média europeia e superando os resultados de países próximos.

Confiança dos Portugueses consolida máximo histórico

In the third quarter of the year, Portugal maintained the value already achieved in this Index in the previous quarter, the highest ever in our country. Reversing their historical pessimism, the Portuguese are showing a higher level of optimism than the rest of Europe, in a trend that has been visible over the last year and which has allowed them to overtake countries such as Spain, France and Italy.


Metade dos portugueses esperam ano positivo para o país e para si próprios

When asked about the current state of the economy, more than half of the Portuguese (54%) don't think the country is in recession (against only 22% in Italy, 36% in France and 37% in Spain) and around half also say they see good or excellent employment and financial prospects in the coming year for their country.

"Against a backdrop of greater confidence, the tendency among the Portuguese has been to buy more and spend more. It is therefore important for brands and retailers to find strategies to boost a spirit of growing optimism among Portuguese consumers. The challenge at the moment is to present an offer for an increased willingness to spend, but one that offers added value that is perceptible to consumers, that responds to their needs and desires and fits in with changing concerns and lifestyles," comments Ana Paula Barbosa, Retailer Vertical Director at Nielsen Portugal.

Quase metade dos portugueses opta por poupar o dinheiro que lhes sobra

When asked what they do after paying their main expenses, around half of the Portuguese answered that their choice is to save money. The need to "escape" from routine and the search for new experiences is evident in the fact that 31% of the Portuguese choose to spend the money they have accumulated on vacations and trips, a trend associated with a fuller lifestyle and the search for quality time away from work.

After paying their usual expenses, fewer and fewer Portuguese say they have no money left (although they still represent 1/6 of the population).

Portugal is the 5th European country most concerned about global warming


Unsurprisingly, health and work-life balance are high on the list of Portuguese consumers' main concerns. These are the two challenges that are repeatedly highlighted as the most important for consumers in Portugal.

Rounding off the podium of concerns is global warming, which worries 21% of consumers compared to just 12% in the same period last year. In just one year, this concern has risen from 6th to 3rd place on the list of the Portuguese's main worries. Portugal became the 5th country in the world most concerned about this issue. These results are in line with the growing media coverage of the issue in recent years. The discussion around the impact of climate change even surpasses issues such as the economy or employment.

"It's important for brands to address the main concerns of Portuguese consumers. Consumers continue to want healthy products, to seek greater balance in their lives, saving time on some tasks and using it for the activities they enjoy most, and they are exponentially concerned about the environmental sustainability of our planet. With more money and greater willingness to spend it, consumers are looking for this challenge from brands and retailers, and this is a good opportunity to create greater engagement with them," concludes Ana Paula Barbosa.


About Nielsen:

Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE: NLSN) is a global data measurement and analysis company that provides the most complete and reliable insight into consumers and markets around the world. Nielsen is divided into two business units. Nielsen Global Media, the truth indicator for media markets, provides the media and advertising industries with unbiased and reliable metrics that create a shared understanding of the industry necessary for markets to function. Nielsen Global Connect provides FMCG brands and retailers with accurate, actionable information and insights and a complete view of a complex and changing marketplace that companies need to innovate and grow.

Our approach combines original Nielsen data and other sources of information to help global clients understand what is happening now, what will happen in the future and how to act on this knowledge.

An S&P 500 company, Nielsen is present in more than 100 countries, covering more than 90% of the world's population. For more information, visit https://www.nielsen.com/pt/pt/.


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