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Jun 29, 2021

Diagnose context and create brand

Context diagnosis


Context diagnosis


Among these is the challenge of defining an organization's areas of intervention in terms of Public Relations (PR) and Communication, in order to strengthen its contribution to creating differentiation, reputation, trust and legitimacy.


A strengthened role for PR and Communication in an organizational context is the basis for enhancing the decision-making process, promoting a real and authentic connection with the people and stakeholders and, at the same time, promote differentiated leadership.

Diagnose context; create brand; manage reputation; identify stakeholders; communication; evaluation and foresight are the axes of intervention and their combination will make it possible to comprehensively manage all strategic assets, reinforcing the role of PR and Communication in the organization and creating value.

After design and development, the challenge lies in implementation. In the logic and strategy of collaboration and partnership with clients that has defined it for 12 years, SayU Consulting also helps to overcome this challenge.

A context diagnosis analyzes the size of the market, both in volume and value, the various customer segments and buying patterns, the competition and the economic environment in terms of barriers to entry and regulation. It helps to reduce risks, identify emerging trends and project objectives and provides information about the business, enabling a greater understanding of the target audience and the competition, helping to build a more targeted marketing strategy.

In its implementation, it is necessary to assess the specific characteristics of the market and sector of activity, point out relevant players and aggregate quantitative information on its size and viability, while identifying the trends and transformations underway in the market that could have a significant impact on the way the organization carries out its activity and presents itself to the public. stakeholders.

Creating the brand passa definição da identidade de uma organização e da sua razão de ser – o que a torna única – expressa através do seu propósito, crenças e valores corporativos. Esta criação deve formar a base da estratégia de negócios e da comunicação, vincular objetivos de negócios ao impacto social, ético e ambiental, servir como um filtro para modelos de tomada de decisão e orientar comportamentos alinhados com a estratégia e os valores da organização. Quanto maior a clareza e relevância do propósito, maior a consistência e coerência no contacto com a marca e maior a eficácia e eficiência na interação com os stakeholders.


Implementar este eixo passa pela definição de ativação de propósito, com a liderança do processo e seleção da metodologia para definição do propósito e ativação de comportamentos de apoio como recomendar, trabalhar, comprar ou investir. Ao mesmo tempo assenta na gestão estratégica da marca corporativa como plataforma de relacionamento com todos os stakeholdersthe design and implementation of relevant, consistent and coherent experiences and participation in the formulation of corporate values, beliefs and principles that build corporate culture and activate aligned behaviors for all employees.

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