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May 2, 2022

Cybersecurity: An Example of Public Communication

Cybersecurity aims to tackle a modern threat that is present in everyone's life. People's data, finances and memories will never be safe from cyber threats.

A recent example of Public Communication was the creation of a social experiment that would draw the attention of the general public to the issue of cyber security. In addition, it would provide valuable and measurable results that could be shared with the media in order to amplify the message, framing the action in accessing and making available information of public/collective interest.

The action was promoted by a non-profit association of global IT professionals, which provides information, educational programs, certifications and networking events, while advocating for the industry - an example of a civil society organization. Its reputation was well established on the professional scene, but there was a concern here about reaching people, namely workers, who had little or no knowledge of IT.

Its objectives were to address a new and less tech-savvy audience, while at the same time claiming credibility in a vital area. The campaign, developed by professionalsThe project was the creation of a program for National Cyber Security Awareness Month. The project focused on a social experiment, testing security practices in the workplace.

200 were randomly distributed. pen drives - with targeted information - in public spaces in four major US cities, making it possible to track how many were connected by computer users and where. The willingness to insert unknown devices into workplace networks that could contain malicious software was alarming, even in the case of non-professionals.

The results of the experiment were shared with the media and complemented with a survey on IT security habits. All of this was timed during National Cyber Security Awareness Month, which gave the campaign even greater visibility, further emphasizing the importance of cyber security training, not just for company employees, but for society in general.

This campaign - unique and valuable in its public communication aspect - not only helped to promoting organizationBut it also drew attention to a constant and permanent threat, giving citizens information and power.



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