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Apr 13, 2023

GO>360 - PR4STARTUPS: "Communicating in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem


GO>360 - PR4STARTUPS | Comunicar no ecossistema empreendedor


A realidade distinta de comunicar numa startup no ecossistema empreendedor


Implementar uma estratégia de marketing para uma startup no ecossistema empreendedor, é algo muito distinto de uma organização ou projeto já estabelecido no mercado. Para começar, uma startup não dispõe de reconhecimento que facilite a primeira interação, os recursos são geralmente limitados e muitas vezes encontramo-nos a lidar com os clientes unicamente num contexto digital. Todos estes fatores tornam a comunicação idealizada para este tipo de contexto num desafio, mas a possibilidade de aprender com a experiência de outras startups no mercado e as soluções que implementaram pode tornar determinados obstáculos mais fáceis de ultrapassar.

Even if we have a perfectly innovative project, we're going to come up against other organizations competing for the the same space and attention. It's up to us to convince the public that we are the preferred choice over the countless other possibilities available.

The rise in popularity of digital journalism and social media has given rise to an influx of marketing options in a digital context, as a complement to traditional marketing possibilities that have existed for decades. For startup managers, the myriad of marketing options can be overwhelming and confusing. GO>360 - PR4STARTUPS


The challenges of a new project

The challenges of marketing are not limited to finding the best marketing strategy. Even the best marketing strategies can fail if we become distracted by other obligations or opportunities.

Startups generally begin operating with limited resources and even startups with a high level of investment have investors to whom they have to report every expense. The problem is that startup founders and managers perceive this as a disadvantage when it comes to implementing a viable marketing strategy.

When the potential effectiveness of a product or service has not yet been established, the strength of its management team and the credibility of the narrative go a long way towards winning the trust of the market. While it is clear that reputation is fundamental to the development of these companies, it is also pertinent to advocate that strategic communication management is the key ingredient to building trust effectively and over time. In the same way, the achievement of a positioning top-of-mind in the public and the permanent management of media interest become fundamental factors for a story with a happy ending.

Whether it's dealing with investors, future partners, prospectsWhether they are journalists or prescribers, these emerging companies are expected to dream big and present themselves with a fully formed, confident and, above all, charismatic public voice.


Contar uma história de empreendedorismo num ecossistema empreendedor

If a startup is a differentiating vision that seeks to exploit a business opportunity in an innovative (or untapped) area, then its communication has to be more than describing a product or service. Above all, it's about pointing out a purpose - demonstrating the exponential potential of solutions to unanswered problems and the ability to captivate stakeholders. A journey that involves facing unexpected needs and acquiring new skills, whether it's public speaking or dealing with the media, among many others.

More than a prerequisite, Communication is essential for companies that want to gain prominence and recognition in an increasingly competitive and voracious market. Any good idea goes through the transformation from being just a theoretical project to something concrete that will be evaluated by the public. This contact and the relationship that is intended to be created imply telling a story that allows creating an effective and affective connection.


Stay abreast of this topic in our E-book "COMM4STARTUPS: Communicating in a new reality".

If you would like to find out more about our range of communication services for start-ups, please consult our GO360 – PR4STARTUPS.



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