Evaluating results as part of a successful PR campaign
Evaluating the results of a communications professional's work is an essential part of their job. They are countless ways to do itthe number of references, the type of media outlet in which it was mentioned, the value of ROIthe scale of the news, among others.
However, and despite the relevance of the above analysis, the truth is that news cycles are getting shorter and shorter and, as a consequence, there will be few people who, after a short time, will still remember a particular share in company X or Y.
Having said that, what, after all, is the added value of a PR person's work? The truth is that most of the results are only visible in the long term. In the short term, the results are logically important too. However, the greatest dividends come over a longer horizon.
Creating a relationship of trust with consumers and the media cannot be achieved overnight. The truth is that clients often don't understand this aspect. The role of agencies should be to make them aware of this.