Foco nas oportunidades empresariais
São várias as preocupações das empresas quando incorporam a sustentabilidade nas suas estratégias, mas a realidade mostra que estas têm pouca razão de ser. Para a maioria das empresas, não se trata de reinventar o seu propósito comercial, mas sim integrar a sustentabilidade nas metas atuais. O que não quer dizer ser sustentável desde o primeiro dia.
Sustainability is a journey and not necessarily a destination and one of the most common challenges is to know where to start, defining short, medium and long-term priorities in a phased strategy led by the stakeholders internal and business partners and for which the Marketing, Communication and Public Relations are their invaluable contribution.
Some organizations focus too much on the initial cost of integrating sustainability into their business strategy, for example in terms of product development, process evolution and measuring results. But the cost savings and reduced risks in supply chains) and greater operational efficiency offset this cost.
Then a governance The improved sustainability strategy will represent a clear statement of your company's long-term sustainable ambition and will be an invaluable competitive advantage, attracting investment and motivating employees. Don't forget that there is a growing demand for sustainability management from customers, investors and suppliers, so integrating it into the core of your business strategy will give you a positive brand perception.
When it comes to implementing sustainability policies, the whole process involves communicating and involving employees, letting them know about the company's commitments and communicating the benefits and objectives it aims to achieve.
If the list of measures to be implemented is long, you will need an action plan, determining what you want to put in place first and where you want to move on to, making it easier to implement by area of action.
Although the aim is to take measures that require a small budget, having one prepared so that you can implement some of them is advisable for two reasons: there are no surprises with expenses and the project doesn't lose momentum.
Finally, a gradual implementation of the measures, starting with the easiest and progressing to the most demanding, creates motivation among employees and ensures momentum and commitment to the project.