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Jul 2, 2020

11 years of looking beyond the curve

Looking beyond the curve

Looking beyond the curve

SayU Consulting is celebrating its 11th anniversary. Born in 2009 at the epicentre of the transformation in the way we communicate, we will continue to give voice to the connection that brands and organizations need to cultivate. To do so, we will maintain what has set us apart: looking in perspective, looking beyond the curve, with one eye on where we are and the other on where we want to be.

This is the basis of communication with purpose. Marketing communication as the key to ensuring an effective connection between brands and organizations and their public. Communication that presupposes the combination of specialized experience and know-how with the development of appropriate tools for gaining reputation and notoriety.

Good Marketing Communication is based on putting yourself in the role of your customers to find out how you can help them improve and prosper. Helping them to innovate, to set ambitious and far-reaching goals. Always with proximity. Offering an outsider's point of view to those with decision-making powers. Guaranteeing a commitment to the "voice" and the link with the stakeholders of brands and organizations.

In a communication landscape that has been constantly changing for more than a decade, Integrated Marketing Communication contributes to adding value to brands and organizations, helping them to relate to their stakeholders, get noticed and become relevant.

Purpose, notoriety and relevance are what SayU aims to help brands and organizations build. With original and innovative tools and methodologies. For example https://say-u.pt/mktcomm-trends/ - a survey aimed at framing the challenges facing marketing communication. Challenges with employees and the necessary engagement, and with customers and other stakeholders, for whom it is necessary to find new contact platforms.

The near future is complex and demanding and the challenges are many. Take part. The answers will help us all understand and navigate this new "new".

At the start of another year, SayU knows that the rules of the game have changed. It also knows that whatever the rules of the game are, it knows what to do to play in a scenario of challenges and uncertainty and to be a partner to its clients in meeting objectives and achieving results. Looking beyond the curve.



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