Managing reputation
Reputation should be understood as the continuous improvement of all relevant actions and behaviors within the organization, in order to meet the expectations of the public. stakeholders and foster feelings of admiration, esteem, respect and trust. A reputation management and the development of specific competencies to measure and manage reputational risk is a powerful driver to promote the continuous transformation of the organization in search of excellence.
Managing Reputation involves standardizing reputation management and measurement systems for all stakeholders, designing reputation plans for continuous improvement, incorporating global reputation indicators, demonstrating their impact on creating value for the business and aligning it with incentives and reward procedures for managers and employees. In addition, it integrates reputation risk into the company's risk system, establishing monitoring plans to mitigate any potential risks and identify opportunities to strengthen reputation and the business, answering the following questions:
The process of identifying stakeholders agrupa-os de acordo com seus níveis de participação, interesse e influência na atividade desenvolvida pela organização, determinando a melhor forma de envolver e comunicar com cada public relevante. Esta análise é estrategicamente valiosa antes de iniciar qualquer tipo de campanha de comunicação, uma vez que quantos mais stakeholders forem identificados previamente, mais informação houve sobre os mesmos e quanto mais a comunicação lhes for dirigida, maior a probabilidade de alcance dos objetivos e metas propostas.
The axis is based on mapping them, categorizing those relevant to the brand in a classification that includes their degree of influence on the brand's activity, interest and level of participation, and then, through target actions, strategically thinking about how to approach each one of them. stakeholders identified. After integrating the stakeholders in profiles it becomes possible to begin the next phase of the management process - developing your stakeholder communication plan.
Learn how to identify stakeholders and manage your reputation here.