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Mar 2, 2015

Startups will learn to tell their story

startup trainingAcredita Portugal is teaming up with Say U Consulting to organize a workshop on the challenges of communication in startup businesses. The event, which is aimed at startup managers, entrepreneurs and communication professionals, will address "Think big, act small" strategies for building niche campaigns, with a perfect match between creativity, size, stage and available resources.

Lisbon, March 2nd, 2015 - How to deal with the challenges of communication in the context of a Startup and how to create buzz around a product or service without spending a fortune is the answer that the Workshop "Comm 101 to 360: The Basics of Communication for Startups and Entrepreneurs"The course, developed as part of the training offered by the "Acredita Portugal" entrepreneurship promotion association, aims to give. This action aims to fill a gap in the national training offer and provide entrepreneurs, start-up managers and communication professionals who want to specialize in this niche with tools to help tell stories.

The Workshop "Comm 101 to 360: The Basics of Communication for Startups and Entrepreneurs" will take place on March 24th in Lisbon, from 19:00 to 21:30. Registration, which is limited to the number of places available, can be done on the "Acredita Portugal" website at www.acreditaportugal.pt/newsite/formacao/presencial.

For Marta Gonçalves, Managing Partner of Say U Consulting "It was in the course of our relationship with the Acredita Portugal Association and with the candidates and winners of the Entrepreneurship Competitions that we conceived "GO360" - a methodology developed to be applied to the design of Startup business communication strategies. In these interactions we have repeated over and over again that a well-designed communication strategy is a key component of any Startup's marketing, since the right actions help to decode the product or service, build reputation, trust and credibility, and establish sustainable interest, contributing to the longevity of brands. In this workshop, I intend to help you think about how brands can tell their story, find their own voice and turn a clear and simple message into something interesting and unique."he adds.

According to João Gonçalo Cunha, CEO of Associação Acredita Portugal, "despite the fact that the Portuguese are among the most risk-taking in the European Union in terms of entrepreneurship - the figures for applications to the Entrepreneurship competitions "Make your dream come true" e "InovPortugal"Portugal has one of the lowest survival rates among younger companies. With this scenario very much in mind, we tried to provide a Training Offer that would help you reflect in a practical way on what separates the big from the small and what determines success and, conversely, what leads to failure. Communication, as a key vector of success, is a good example of this"in a shot.



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