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Jan 31, 2022

The theme of the decade that won't end in 2030



Sustentabilidade corporativa


Hoje em dia a sustentabilidade corporativa é um tema chave para a competitividade das empresas, cada vez mais importante para as suas estratégias de curto, médio e longo prazo. É uma exigência crescente dos diversos stakeholders - customers, investors, regulators and employees - and contributes to its operational efficiency, risk management and differentiation.

Sustainability is a holistic approach that considers the environmental, social and economic dimensions, recognizing that all must be considered together for lasting prosperity.

Corporate sustainability depends on the three dimensions that make up ESG factors, i.e. environmental, social and governanceThe latter aims to ensure that companies adopt robust principles of ethical management, consisting of a company's ability to manage its business and create long-term value while creating social and environmental benefits for its employees. stakeholders.

It includes attitudes, ideas, strategies or ways of acting that contribute to ecological, economic, social and cultural survival, and for which the role of company management bodies is decisive. They must, at the same time, create social and environmental benefits for employees and for society in general, guiding their actions in the market by ethical and legal transparency, investing in people, in a consistent code of conduct and in management models aligned with the interests of society. stakeholders.

In 2015, the new United Nations 2030 Agenda outlined 17 goals, called the Sustainable Development GoalsThe three dimensions of sustainable development must be integrated into policies, processes and actions at regional, national and global levels.

The agenda is set for 2030 and is the major theme of the decade, but it will certainly last over time and will continue to require effort, commitment, and communicationThe aim is to involve everyone, including the government, parliament, regional authorities, local authorities, NGOs, businesses, academia, social partners and civil society.



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