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Mar 25, 2024

Employer branding orientado a colaboradores



Follow these steps to set up an effective employer branding that meets the needs of its employees and enhances their role.


Step 1: Familiarize yourself with your organization

When you are able to define your organization's unique attributes, it is easier to improve an EVP. Get to know core businessYou need to understand your organization's vision, mission, values and culture. Understand what your goals are and what kind of talent you need to achieve them.


Step 2: Audit your employer brand

Já saberá exatamente onde o seu produto ou serviço se posiciona no mercado, mas pode não estar tão ciente do modo como a sua empresa é vista ou como é percebida pelos seus colaboradores atuais. Realize análises internas e externas com candidatos, online e em plataformas de social media e monitorize a sua reputação com employer branding. Observe o que está a funcionar  na sua organização e que áreas precisam de ser melhoradas — relativamente a operações, mas especificamente com o processo de aquisição de talento, a fim de identificar formas de o potenciar.


Step 3: Define a employer value proposition

Draw up an EVP that clearly communicates your company's values. marca corporativa, refletindo o que há de especial em trabalhar na sua organização. Deve alinhar-se com a marca, mas dirigir-se também diretamente aos seus colaboradores.


Step 4: Use recruitment marketing

When designing an EVP or other brand message, consider enlisting support in your own marketing or communications department (or outsourcing this and other brand work to an agency). Making use of some marketing techniques - such as initiating each branding with the questions: "Who are we trying to reach? And what do they want?" - you'll be in the best position to create a brand that "speaks" directly to your audience.


Step 5: Build interaction with current employees

To help you become a reliable employer, go no further than your own team. To find out what it's like to work in your organization, employees are 3x more likely than the CEO to be considered trustworthy by candidates. Your employees also shape the organization's culture, live its values, achieve its goals and manifest its mission. Without their participation, your brand would be nothing. Here are some ways to get your employees more involved:

Hone your message. Use a set of words or phrases that become part of the company's vernacular, as a way of describing its values and what the experience of working there is like. Keep it simple, clear, informative and unique. Use this language in HR or recruitment meetings and focus it on your career pages, recruitment websites, social media accounts and any other platform where you can get visibility.

Mostre os seus colaboradores em formato de employer branding. Sabia que um em cada quatro candidatos vê outros perfis de colaboradores imediatamente após descobrir uma oportunidade de emprego? Incentive os seus colaboradores a atualizar os seus perfis online para que sejam atuais, profissionais e dignos de atenção. Para employer branding com colaboradores, o departamento de RH pode enviar lembretes úteis por e-mail, links e tutoriais sobre como o fazer. Podem também ser aproveitadas as experiências, conhecimentos e personalidades dos seus colaboradores, fazendo-os contar suas histórias e tornando-os especialistas em determinados temas ou mentores sobre tópicos sobre os quais estão qualificados para abordar.

Turn your employees into a social recruiting army. As your employees update their profiles, ask them to write (honest, but ideally favorable) reviews of your company on job posting sites, post company news and updates and share job opportunities on their personal networks.

Pay attention to the onboarding. The first 90 days on the job are key to turning a new team member into a productive employee. Your company can make a deep and lasting first impression by offering a smooth onboarding process. Provide new employees with the tools and guidance they need to start thriving in their new roles.

Offer skills training and development opportunities. Nothing saves more recruitment costs than promoting from within, so give your employees opportunities for personal growth and professional development. Offer management and leadership training, special certifications and career development opportunities to capture candidates' interest and commitment.



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