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Nov 27, 2020

The Markies are an original solution to identify clothing and accessories

The Markies


The Markies


Num momento em que as tendências de democratização e globalização da moda ditam que as peças se tornem cada vez mais indistintas, The Markies apresentam-se como a solução para diferenciar, identificar e conferir originalidade à roupa. A marca chegou agora ao mercado para inovar, também no Natal.


The Markies chegam ao mercado para resolver o velho problema da distinção das peças de roupa. A solução é vendida online – em https://themarkiesoriginal.com/ – em formato MBox, disponibilizando um conjunto de aplicador e marcadores metálicos com diferentes símbolos e cores, que podem ser utilizados por diferentes membros da família ou pessoas a residir e a partilhar o mesmo espaço.

The Markies are thus an innovative alternative for the Christmas season, offering original, unique and customizable gifts. In Portugal, during the month of Christmas, the new brand will also have a pop-up store in Centro Comercial Amoreiras, em Lisboa.

The metal markers, applied to the garments, guarantee the style, individuality and permanence that is often lacking in other solutions to the problem of distinguishing garments and accessories, such as the use of different colored threads, felt pen names on the garment label or ironing strips.

At a time when clothing is increasingly undifferentiated between genders and ages and in the face of the growing democratization of luxury, which has eliminated the distinction of social strata or purchasing power for clothing and accessories, The Markies provide a practical and easy-to-apply solution that also brings a touch of irreverence to the identification of clothing and accessories.

The choice of symbol by each member of the family not only makes it possible to distinguish, but also to add a touch of originality and personality to everyone's clothes and accessories, as well as being a topic of conversation outside the home.

The Markies Original is the launch collection, made up of a set of symbols that represent hobbies or other passions. The idea is no more than to bring the icons used online on social networks into everyday life and show everyone our hobbies, just like the likes e dos ícones que colocamos nos nossos perfis e que se assumem enquanto motivos de orgulho, tema de conversa, de aproximação e pertença. Esta coleção integra três temáticas: grumpy animals, cool hobbies e sports addicted.


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Say U Consulting



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