Transferring part of the contact with an organization to the online reality translates into another way of dealing with trust and, especially, with the repercussions that it or the lack of it can trigger.
The ease with which information about a company, its positioning and its offer can be accessed has boosted the closeness of communication with the public, in a dynamic of interaction and sharing that has transformed the way we do business. This facility has, however, opened doors to the possibility of feedback negative easily reproduced and disseminated, making it even more urgent to ensure and protect an organization's reputation in the way it conducts its business and deals with partners and consumers.
We point out 5 essential steps to deal with reputation onlineas tools for building a successful relationship with the public and taking advantage of all the technological platforms currently at our disposal:
- Boost your offline reputation - the creation of online reputation is directly linked to the degree of reputation of the organization in the market; these two realities work in parallel and influence each other.
- Produce relevant content - develop content about the sector and aspects relevant to its activity, making it a source of information, improving its visibility and boosting its reputation.
- Mastering the social - with content produced, it becomes easier to maintain a visible position on various social networks, while at the same time making it possible to contact potential customers.
- Monitoring opinions - make the opinions left by consumers about your services/products and their experience in contact with your organization constructive criticism that allows you to evolve and adapt.
- Recognize mistakes - don't try to hide possible less positive experiences, in today's networked world it's impossible to hide. Admit your mistakes and come up with solutions that show they won't happen again.
This attention to the reality of living on the web takes place in the context of an extended reputation, in order to provide an effective response to all of an organization's needs in this area. It's an effort that starts within the organization itself and in its actions, and which is increasingly moving from the real world to online reality.