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Aug 31, 2023

O Importante Papel do Marketing de Exportação

Export Marketing



Marketing de exportação

A globalização e o comércio online contribuíram para o recente aumento do comércio internacional. O que antes só era possível para as grandes empresas está agora acessível a PME e empreendedores. Os produtos e serviços podem mais facilmente adquirir uma dimensão internacional a custos reduzidos, tornando a expansão e a externalização de negócio uma opção viável. Mas muitas empresas não compreendem ainda os benefícios da aposta num negócio global no seu setor e, mesmo as que compreendem, podem ter dificuldade em saber por onde começar, o que atribui relevância ao marketing de exportação.


Definition of export marketing

Exporting is the practice whereby a company sells products or services to a foreign country. The products are produced or distributed from the country of origin to buyers in international geographies. But there is a difference between products that are available to foreign countries and products that are marketed specifically to foreign customers. This is where the importance of a marketing plan export.

As empresas duplicam ou triplicam frequentemente os seus produtos, expandindo as suas vendas a nível internacional. Mas não se pode partir do princípio de que os mercados estrangeiros estarão interessados na mesma oferta que os clientes locais. As diferenças culturais, os custos de transporte e o tempo de trânsito e as políticas comerciais internacionais, contribuem para uma barreira de comunicação de marketing entre os fornecedores e o seu público.

It is necessary to know the buying behavior, interests and needs of foreign customers. All of this can be addressed in a export marketingIt is designed to define a specific strategy that can be used to make the product available and attractive internationally.

A única diferença entre um plano de marketing de exportação e um plano de marketing normal é a localização da intervenção. O mesmo tipo de pesquisa de mercado realizada para obter um diagnóstico de um mercado doméstico ideal, deverá ser realizado a uma escala internacional.


Foreign market selection

The first and most obvious step in building an export marketing plan is selecting a market. Although this is the "simplest" step, it is also the most important. Although each country is different, many cultural differences and buying behaviors can be attributed to the continents as a whole. Once you have selected a continent, focus your research on the top three locations of your choice. This should give you more information about the country where you should sell.


Research into natural conditions

The relevance of this factor will depend very much on the product you are selling. Information such as the climate, the size of the territory, the environment, ease of mobility and various other factors will all contribute to the success of your international expansion.


Socio-economic research

Your offer must correspond to the socio-economic demographics of the region you want to sell to. The quality of the materials you use to create your product, for example, may have to be adjusted on an international market to adapt to the reference prices and quality of products abroad.


Competitive landscape

This is the only area where competition is positive. International business has been around for hundreds of years - any profitable international business venture that has a promising return has already been tested. So you can use the density of competition in a foreign country to determine whether or not it is a profitable industry.

Make sure that your research into the density of competition includes research into local companies in the foreign country, as well as international companies.



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