O sucesso das empresas B2B (Business to Business) exportadoras está intrinsecamente relacionado com a aposta na comunicação.
Mais de dois terços destas organizações planeiam investir nesta área num futuro próximo, consolidando o seu papel crítico na gestão da relação com os stakeholders, revela a segunda fase do estudo InterComm Report B2B, sob o mote #TheWayForward 22 » 23.
O estudo desenvolvido em parceria pela Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa e pela SayU Consulting pretende enaltecer o papel da comunicação na reputação das empesas e na construção e consolidação das suas relações.
"In the future, we expect to see a more prominent role for a humanized narrative, as this is fundamental to building meaningful connections. The world will demand greater transparency and more trust. It will be essential for national B2B exporting companies to increase their reputation and build and consolidate their relationships," said Ana Raposo and Marta Gonçalves, researchers responsible for the InterComm Report B2B #TheWayForward 22 " 23, quoted in a statement.
"The results show that, in order to be more effective in foreign markets and, consequently, increase competitiveness and convert opportunities into business, communication plays a fundamental role and must be transparent and convey trust," they add.
The first phase of the study took place in 2020 and its results were presented in 2021. The second stage, which has now come to an end, points out some of the possible paths for effective and assertive action in global markets. "The focus will have to be on the ability to strengthen partnerships in order to transform relationships. An opportunity that requires agility at all levels, as well as a great deal of flexibility, adaptation and persistence, only possible with well-structured and focused communication. Reputation management and consolidation are part of this, making the company's identity and values known to all stakeholders."
On the other hand, concerns such as sustainability and the well-being of professionals, with a view to corporate social responsibility, will drive the agenda of most B2B brands. According to InterComm, data-driven models - including the prediction of trends, needs, behaviours, usage and insights to personalize communication strategies - will gain increasing weight.
The analysis also reinforces that this strategic function brings added value to the operation in global markets, in which space is still being sought, and that it is essential to work on notoriety and a good reputation with communication actions that contribute to the
commercial and operational development of organizations.
Este segundo momento do InterComm Report B2B integra, de uma forma complementar, a experiência empresarial nacional e internacional, o conhecimento académico e técnico, a informação estatística e o contacto com o mercado em estudo, através do inquérito por entrevista realizado a 30 companies nacionais B2B exportadoras de diferentes setores, dimensões e maturidades.
In Hypersuper