Comunicação personalizada
Although it depends on the communication channel selected, how it is being used and other factors to take into account, personalized communication generally means taking a piece of content or an interaction with the customer and making it more useful, targeting their interests, needs and preferences - offering them exactly what they are looking for, at the moment they are looking for it.
A personalization is not only a crucial capability, but also one that stands out, regardless of whether the organization has a digital character and an innovative business or is positioned in a sector considered traditional.
Interações e envolvimento
Increased interactions online since the recent pandemic has raised expectations - giving consumers more exposure to personalization practices and raising the bar for most brands in the market. From the web to interactions mobile e presenciais, os consumidores veêm agora a personalização como a norma padrão para o envolvimento.
Personalization is especially effective in stimulating an ongoing relationship and loyalty over time. Recurring interactions create more data from which brands can design increasingly relevant experiences - creating an effect that generates lasting value for the customer.
Those who lead the way in personalization also have better results for customers. Their focus on the relationship and long-term value leads to better migration between services and solutions, retention and loyalty.
Vantagens competitivas
Brands with the fastest growth rates are much more likely to be prioritizing personalization. The research suggests that even small changes in improving customer relations create competitive advantages - and these benefits grow with maturity.
The brands that get the best results from personalization approach it differently. Instead of seeing personalization only as a marketing or analytics problem, they see it as an opportunity for the entire organization. Instead of focusing only on short-term gains, they look for long-term growth factors and emphasize the value of the customer's lifetime.
Podemos resumir os benefícios de uma personalização eficaz numa palavra: fidelização. A comunicação personalizada é especialmente adequada para promover o envolvimento repetido, criando as oportunidades para agradar aos clientes, gerando interações bem-sucedidas e potenciando o negócio.