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Oct 31, 2018

How to captivate the audience

How to captivate the audience

How to captivate the audience

In a world where attention is a scarce resource, we face daily battles to try to stand out and captivate our audience. Every day, reporters and editors alike are assaulted by dozens of emails that fill and block their inbox. In view of the quantity, we must constantly focus on defining messages with impactful themes; only in this way does it seem possible to develop an effective contact strategy.

Of the countless contacts that journalists receive, few are ignored and go straight into the garbage can. To be succinct (and because checklists also help us to focus on what really matters), public relations professionals should base their activity on differentiation. Here are some tips to simplify this process.

Offering unique and innovative content

Approaching journalists with new angles to work on a topic (which may have already been discussed dozens of times) is always valued. The way we look at issues and the approaches we give them makes all the difference to those who analyze the information. Whether it's a journalist or, second-hand, the final recipient of the message. Unique content, captive journalists.

Spreading fresh news on relevant topics

Journalists deal with current affairs. What's more, they deal with instantaneity. That's why they want to receive news that creates buzz for its medium and that captivates the interest of readers, viewers and listeners. Telling a new story where the insights not only benefits the companies themselves, but also motivates journalists to explore a side of the issue that has never been explored before. In this way, journalists highlight the topic, it is debated and clients gain recognition, while at the same time publicizing their company. expertise.

Reinforcing contact

To put it simply, here we are under the dominion of the follow up. Do follow up is never too much and is a way of ensuring that journalists receive information in the correct way. As it's not just letters that get lost, many emails end up not reaching journalists' inboxes and information gets lost. Do follow up may seem like a minor task, but it is also responsible for part of the effectiveness of a media contact campaign.



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