InterComm Report
A recent study by SayU Consulting in partnership with the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social and AICEP, reveals that a large number of companies lack an organized, cross-cutting communication structure. It is relegated to sales support, it is only operational, tailored to the interlocutor or even unrelated to the strategic objectives of the business and the organization.
More than a quarter of the companies surveyed in the InterComm Report" study does not believe that Communication has a strategic relevance or a prominent place in the paths to be traced and traveled, despite the fact that customers and employees are at the forefront of this process. top of mind of these organizations.
According to this pioneering research, few companies are actually aware of the benefits of making room for communication, understood in a broad sense and not just product/service communication, which is the responsibility of sales departments, to contribute to the competitiveness of organizations.
Only a small percentage, of a different size and maturity, understand and manage the issues associated with their communication in a different way, invest in terms of institutional communication, exploit different channels or establish relationships with strategic partners.
Today, companies are required to be able to address internal communication, digital communication, reputation issues - which are the structuring bases for all the other areas of communication intervention - media relations, sustainability, risk management and crisis communication, event management, and all the other actions that can be promoted with the aim of creating leads.
É fundamental procurar sempre demonstrar coerência, cadência e continuidade, tendo uma abordagem estratégica à Comunicação, fazendo um mapeamento e gestão de todos os stakeholders.