The communications environment has been constantly changing for more than ten years. At a global level, the speed of change is exponential and Marketing Communication adds value to brands and organizations by helping them relate to their customers. stakeholders and their notoriety and relevance.
A SayU's proposal - a Marketing Communications agency with more than a decade of experience - is helping brands and organizations build purpose, notoriety and relevance. With original and innovative tools and methodologies. Such as Business-to-Business - Beyond Business Communication (B2B-BBC).
The project, which is currently underway and whose scope, reach and results will be announced throughout the year, is being developed by SayU in partnership with School of Social Communication e a Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal (AICEP) e tem como objetivo compreender, pós pandemia SARS-CoV2, qual o papel da comunicação na forma como as empresas portuguesas B2B exportadoras constroem e gerem relações com os seus stakeholders as well as drawing up an action plan that will enable the organizations involved to become more competitive in the field of strategic communication.
If we think of the services sector, the number of companies has never been greater. However, they are rarely treated as a group with its own identity, and issues relating to Business-to-Business (B2B) companies rarely question the ties that are woven into their spaces of interaction and the dynamics that are established with their customers. stakeholders in chains because they can be complex and multi-stakeholder. It is in this context, and within the framework of a pragmatist view of the world, that the B2B-BBC.
In 2019, exports accounted for 44% of Portugal's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and by 2025 we aim to have an export volume equivalent to 50% of GDP (AICEP, 2019). In these figures, companies that focus on selling to other companies, i.e. the Business-to-Business (B2B) business, have a large share (approximately 90%).
Communication management in B2C and B2B companies is often seen as a similar process, focused on building trust and managing relationships. In the case of B2B companies, it is more important than building a solid reputation that can influence the end customer's decision to build and work on trust, which will be the basis of all their interactions.
Count on SayU to build and work on this trust!