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Jun 29, 2021

A Business to Business community



In this last year, among the capabilities and competencies increased by SayU Consulting is the deepening of specialization in Business To Business (B2B) Communication, through the project "Business-to-Business: Beyond Business Communication (B2B-BBC)"which aims to understand, post-pandemic, the role of communication in the way B2B companies engage their stakeholders, a subject that until then had been little or not explored, either in academia or in the communication consulting market.

In 365 days, we developed and presented, together with the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, the unprecedented study InterComm Report - B2B Communication Trends in Global Businesses (InterComm) in Portugal, Spain and USA, and we close with a golden key, today, in  AICEP Academywhere we have trained more than 140 companies to communicate in global markets.

InterComm presents a portrait of the role of Communication in building and managing relationships with the stakeholders of Portuguese organizations that have a B2B focus and relevant international business, and, it also intends to help reflection and action, highlighting ways to respond to current and future challenges, such as COMM2B, which aims to create a community around shared challenges, interests and goals that align with the challenge and privilege that is B2B Communication.

Making use of the power of this ecosystem, we are preparing to launch a networking community that aims to bring together all those interested in the challenges involved in B2B Communication processes. COMM2B aims too publicize innovation, build synergies, and cooperate in a space for dialogue and sharing, facilitating and promoting interactions among members and leveraging knowledge, experience, creativity. results through a powerful and positive network effect. 

COMM2B's purpose is to integrate Communication as a fundamental asset for B2B companies to reach their audiences, build their reputation and develop their business. The logic of collaboration and partnership based on these skills and capabilities is the distinctive factor that has been the hallmark of SayU Consulting over these 11 years - almost 12.





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