Games, or gamificationcan be used as a way to combine information or advertising with a game interactive or incorporate gaming elements into a different kind of context. Providing an engaging and fun experience with a brand helps audiences remember it, one of the biggest advantages of a "gamified" campaign.

This marketing strategy can be used by any company, in any industry, and is one of the most effective ways for brands to creatively convey their message to stakeholders. Brands can implement a variety of elements gamified (games) in their marketing strategies, such as:

  • Achievements: badges, levels, or points are awarded to the user as a reward for achieving some pre-established accomplishment.
  • Scoreboards: users are ranked according to their performance in the game, creating competition and inducing higher engagement rates.
  • Countdown: players are challenged to complete a specific task in a limited amount of time.
  • Progress: users are asked to progress through a certain activity and there is an element that displays their progression.

As users are incentivized to perform specific actions in a game, the rates of engagement are higher than those achieved in campaigns of other types. O engagement can be the first stage of a long-term relationship between the customer and the brand, which leads to the next benefit of the campaigns gamified.

Audiences who remember the brand for a long time after a fun experience with a game are a valuable asset for the business. Firstly, because they can emotionally relate to the brand, but also because - if this closeness occurs - they are more likely to become loyal customers than indifferent or actively disinterested customers. Loyal and engaged customers represent the achievement of profitability, revenue, and growth compared to the average customer. This is particularly true for the travel, consumer equipment, restaurant, hospitality, and insurance industries.

Data is perhaps one of the most valuable assets for enterprises. Combined with complex AI systems, IoT and machine learninghuge databases can provide companies with the tools they need to reach the best customers, with the right offer, at the best possible time and place. However, collecting this data is not always easy, and this is where gamification comes into play. By offering users the chance to have fun, or even the opportunity to win a prize or reward, they will likely be more willing to provide data, which can be used later to better understand the target audience.





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