SayU Consulting desenvolve solução original GO360º>PR4Franchising para comunicar franquias.
Num contexto de negócio com características específicas e em que a relação assume particular importância, a solução visa a conquista de visibilidade e reputação e estratégias de contacto com stakeholders relevantes.

GO360º>PR4Franchising offer and Expofranchise 2023 covered in the media
Lisbon, May 26, 2023 - SayU Consulting has developed the communication methodology "GO360º>PR4Franchising". This original solution, geared to the specifics of the franchising industry, aims to ensure a response to the achievement of visibility and reputation, support for business goals and contact with stakeholders.
"As a business model, the success of franchising depends on good communication, creating effective collaborative relationships between its agents and between them and their public"explains Marta Gonçalves, Managing Partner of SayU Consulting.
"Never before has the ability to tell a good story played such a decisive role, where only the most dynamic organizations are in a favorable position to master their narrative. A well-designed narrative can often turn threats into opportunities and failure into unexpected success. In the business context, it's important to know how to share a value proposition and positioning, show relevance and ensure an emotional connection with the target audience."
At a time of new challenges for companies and entrepreneurs and opportunities for the franchising sector, SayU Consulting is also the partner of the APF - Associação Portuguesa de Franchising (Portuguese Franchising Association) in strengthening its communication strategy. The consultancy is responsible for boosting the association's message in support of the franchising ecosystem in Portugal, promoting its visibility and notoriety and reinforcing its role in innovation and promotion of the sector.
A sector with weight in the market
The vitality of the sector was evident at the recent Expofranchise 2023. The initiative brought together almost 1,250 people who wanted to get to know the half a hundred brands present, in an opportunity to share ideas, knowledge and experiences, bringing together brands and investors in the sector in one place. For those interested in investing in franchising in Portugal, it's important to assess the potential of each brand, which will be higher the better you know its history and what sets it apart.
The franchise opportunities were spread across a variety of sectors, including food, travel agencies, beauty, real estate, services, fitness, retail, fashion, construction, workshops, consultancy and education.
The figures show the importance of franchising in Portugal: the sector generates a turnover of 5.8% of GDP and directly employs more than 160,000 people. This dynamism brings with it challenges in creating an experience that turns leads into franchisees and franchisees into brand ambassadors.
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