Google Analytics is a tool to track user behavior on the site. With a range of metrics to explore, you can get an idea of how people use the site and how you can make changes and improvements to increase sales.
On a basic level, you can track how many visitors a website has, how they found it, the number of views a page receives, and more. Google Analytics is the portal that provides internal, back-end, real-time access to what your users want.
Google Analytics avoids relying on more complex checks and intuition by pointing out which pages and content are hitting or falling short of targets. In this way, it becomes possible to do choices informed.
Visitor tracking shows who is visiting the website, how many visitors it reaches, and what they are doing on the website. This includes factors such as bounce rate and session length. Another powerful metric that Google Analytics can provide is traffic sources. This answers the question, "how are people finding the website?" It is thus possible to find out how much traffic is coming from social mediaGoogle Ads and Google Search Console. Knowing where visitors come from and what they do when they arrive at your site can help you know where to focus your online marketing efforts.
Google Analytics can help you understand the performance of different pieces of content by tracking user behavior. For example, do they visit certain pages more frequently than others? Is time on page higher for certain types of content? This type of information can help determine what works and what doesn't, which can aid future content creation and marketing strategy.