by OUAB | Oct 12, 2020 | #What we Communicate
Training OROC organizes online training and defines technical guidelines for auditing practice Uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 pandemic requires greater care in the provision and processing of financial information in order to respond adequately to new risks. OROC...
by mink | Sep 13, 2019 | #What we Communicate
Auditing cannot be seen as a commodity The Statutory Auditors (ROC) met today at their 13th Congress to reflect on the new paths of the profession. The debate highlighted the new demands made on auditors, which require...
by mink | Sep 13, 2019 | #What we Communicate
Audit quality | OROC has an irreplaceable role The Statutory Auditors (ROC) are meeting today at their 13th Congress to reflect on the new paths for the profession. The debate brings together the government, supervisors, professional associations and academia for a...
by mink | Aug 19, 2019 | #What we Communicate
AUDITING AND NEW WAYS Statutory Auditors (ROC) will gather in their XIII Congress to reflect on new paths. With the Minister of Finance opening and the Minister of Economy closing, the event brings together keynote speakers for a debate...
by mink | Jan 5, 2018 | #What we Communicate
José Rodrigues de Jesus took office today as the new President of the Association of Statutory Auditors (OROC) for the 2018-2020 term. The Minister of Finance pointed out the relevant role of Auditors as a guarantee of confidence in the economies and credibility of the...
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