by mink | Jan 2, 2017 | #What we Communicate
A KCS iT vai lançar em parceria com a Acredita Portugal o prémio K.Tech, a vertente do concurso de Empreendedorismo direcionado para projetos de âmbito tecnológico. A parceria com a consultora disponibiliza às ideias vencedoras apoio especializado na entrada no...
by mink | Jun 25, 2016 | #What we Communicate
The seven winning projects of the current edition of the Acredita Portugal entrepreneurship contest have been selected, from among more than 13,000 applications received. The projects have undergone several phases of evaluation and mentoring, and will now receive support from the...
by mink | Jun 9, 2016 | #What we Communicate
The 20 finalists of the current edition of the Acredita Portugal entrepreneurship contest have been selected from over 13,000 applications. The projects will now undergo a final stage of evaluation to find the winners who will receive support from the...
by mink | May 31, 2016 | #Movers&Shakers
But after all, what is the "B-BÁ-BÁ" of Communication? This will always be a challenge for companies to find the perfect combination between creativity, size, stage, and available resources, given the constant evolution and demands of the market. But to ...
by mink | Jan 15, 2016 | #What we Communicate
The Acredita Portugal Entrepreneurship Contest has already reached thousands of Portuguese, candidates in the five editions of the initiative that wants to help business ideas reach the market. The level of participation allows us to define the profile of the entrepreneur-type: urban,...
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