by OUAB | May 26, 2021 | #SuccessSteps
A última fase de uma gestão de crises é em modo reflexivo, com recuperação, avaliação e aprendizagem, numa ação pós-crise. Em primeiro lugar será necessária uma análise dos efeitos operacionais e reputacionais de uma crise numa organização, nomeadamente...
by OUAB | May 26, 2021 | #SuccessSteps
The first phase of a crisis management plan is a pre-crisis phase, which is based on a mode of proactivity and prevention, preparation and detection of signals, with anticipation and forecasting of actual and potential risks within an organization and development of...
by OUAB | May 26, 2021 | #PRExperts
In the context of an enlarged environment of uncertainty, organizations need to adapt. It is expected that there are more and more threats with an impact on reputation and trust in the medium term. It is crucial to address this problem with an increased ability to communicate...
by OUAB | Feb 2, 2021 | #PRExperts
Oportunidade através da crise A pandemia continua a ceifar vidas, destroçar famílias, destruir negócios e a desafiar a resiliência de pessoas e organizações. Mas há uma luz ao fundo do túnel e para que esta seja luminosa e radiante e que consigamos...
by mink | Mar 3, 2020 | #What we Communicate
Central banks plan radical regulatory changes to respond to climate crisis - it's time for banks to prepare 70% central banks and regulators see climate change as a 'serious threat' to financial stability The...
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