Don't tell me, show me

Don't tell me, show me

  Qual o ingrediente secreto na ambição Unicórnio? O sonho e ambição de Carlos Moedas no repto coletivo à criação de um espaço, segundo as palavras do próprio, “onde jovens (e os menos jovens, acrescento eu) possam transformar ideias em grandes negócios, mudar o...
3 "Rs": recognition, recommendation, reputation

3 "Rs": recognition, recommendation, reputation

3 "Rs": Recognition, recommendation, reputation When implementing a communication strategy for a startup we can be sure of two fundamental truths: the first is that a good product or service alone is not enough to guarantee...
The lessons of the political campaign

The lessons of the political campaign

Lessons from the political campaign With communication present in different areas in the context that surrounds us, it becomes relevant to observe how the relationship that is established with the public in a political message can have points of contact with the message used by a...
Do you know how to build a relevant story?

Do you know how to build a relevant story?

Do you know how to build a relevant story? Faced with a difficult economic situation, which was particularly evident in Portugal, the immediate reaction of brands was one of caution. Cost-cutting to "survive" the crisis and expectations about the future...



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