Atrás da cortina: lições aprendidas com erros e contratempos de investimento O mundo do investimento é frequentemente retratado como um lugar glamouroso, cheio de histórias de sucesso instantâneo e grandes retornos. No entanto, a realidade é muito mais...
"Ignore" the trends
"Ignore" the trends The figure of the customer is central to business today. We look negatively on an organization that doesn't claim to make the customer the center of its business vision, the way it thinks about it and how it develops it. But do we really understand what it is and what...
One app is no longer enough
An app is no longer enough There is no dimension in today's business context that escapes the need for transformation. Facing an environment of permanent change and migration to Digital, stagnation seems to be the most serious "sin" pointed out to an organization. Hardly a...
A meaningful message
A meaningful message The time of mass contact is over. Everything revolves today around a strategy of audience segmentation and targeted communication, with a message in which relevant content takes center stage. The consequences of this...
3 "Rs": recognition, recommendation, reputation
3 "Rs": Recognition, recommendation, reputation When implementing a communication strategy for a startup we can be sure of two fundamental truths: the first is that a good product or service alone is not enough to guarantee success; the second...
"Ignore" the trends
Trends : The customer is central to business today. Trends show us that we look negatively on an organization that doesn't make the customer the center of its business vision, the way it thinks about it and how it develops it. But do we really understand...