Comunicar sustentabilidade pode melhorar a forma como as organizações se relacionam com o ambiente e com os seus stakeholders. Por sua vez, esta estratégia pode ajudar as organizações a aumentar a fidelidade à marca, a melhorar a satisfação dos colaboradores,...
Mistakes to Avoid in Public Relations
Mistakes to Avoid in Public Relations The communication environment is complex and, therefore, one must know how to navigate this sea without losing track and falling into the risk of throwing everything down the drain. Building relationships with the media is one of the main goals of PR practice...
How to captivate the audience
How to captivate your audience In a world where attention is a scarce resource, we face daily battles to try to stand out and captivate our audience. Every day, reporters and editors alike are assaulted by dozens of emails that fill and...
Social Media: the new channels for Public Relations
Social Media: the new PR channels Press releases, emails and follow up? When it comes to communication, there are ingredients that can never be missing. However, like everything else, the area is evolving and adapting to the technological climate. Unlike...
Digital PR: Public relations in the digital world
The practice of Public Relations is undergoing profound changes, driven by an environment of constant technological innovation and adaptation to new contact platforms and emerging social media. These new channels make it possible for PR to evolve...
6 transformations in communication
New Communication Strategies Data Driven Communication, Virtual Reality (VR) and H2H Communication are among the new communication strategies to achieve results in an increasingly competitive market. Digitalization and technological innovations in...
The importance of social networks in a constantly evolving market
The importance of social media in a constantly evolving market In a constantly evolving market, it is important for social media to keep up with that growth. Analyzing users' habits and the trends that surround them are vital issues for social media companies...
How to face the competition to make a difference in the market
How to face the competition to make a difference in the market No matter the industry, the product, or the company in which it operates. No matter how different the business is, there will always be a struggle to be better than the competition. How to face the...
How a company should communicate internally and externally
How a company should communicate internally and externally A company needs to communicate well with its customers and partners, as well as having good internal communication. That's why carrying out well-designed marketing campaigns focused on each audience is...
The three fundamental platforms for brand positioning
The three fundamental platforms for positioning brands Unlike most media (such as television, radio, print...), digital marketing offers a less expensive, more immediate and even direct opportunity to promote business in a...