Trust Me ©TNT “I know. I know. Cool people don't say "cool." I just hate the fact that some client who is definitely not cool thinks I'm not cool.” – Mason McGuire A confiança é uma componente crucial das Relações Públicas. É construída através de uma...
InterComm Report: Communication at the core of the strategy
Estudo pioneiro de tendências de Comunicação B2B em mercados globais revela papel no centro estratégico da aposta em Comunicação para as empresas com foco no B2B e na exportação. Adaptação ao novo cenário nacional e internacional passa por repensar e...
Communication with strategic relevance
Uma Comunicação com relevância estratégica Face a desafios que ameaçaram a sobrevivência das empresas neste contexto pandémico, a prioridade passou por assegurar a sustentabilidade da operação, garantir postos de trabalho, dar resposta a compromissos com...
Strategic Communication for Post-Pandemic Success
Strategic Communication for Post-Pandemic Success The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had an extraordinarily strong impact on the usual business conduct of companies in the tourism sector. Affected by the global pandemic crisis, demand has decreased...
B2B Strategic Communication: Trends and Challenges for Success
Against a backdrop of the particular importance of B2B (Business-to-Business) exporting companies for economic growth, with the aim of Portuguese exports reaching 50% of GDP by 2027, it is important to understand how these companies look at the...
Digital transformation drives effective company communication
Digital: The specific challenges brought about by the current crisis have introduced deep digitalization into companies' activities. This technological boost was already on the horizon for many organizations, but it has now emerged with urgency and speed of implementation...
Trends in Portuguese B2B Companies and Exports
Qual o papel da comunicação na construção e gestão de relações com os stakeholders nas empresas portuguesas com um foco B2B e na exportação? Ana Raposo (Escola Superior de Comunicação Social ) e Marta Gonçalves (SayU Consulting) lançam pistas. Comunicar...
Global, coherent and integrated B2B communication
Uma comunicação B2B global, coerente e integrada, por Ana Raposo, docente da Escola Superior de Comunicação Social e pró-presidente para a Comunicação Estratégica do Politécnico de Lisboa, e Marta Gonçalves, managing partner da SayU Consulting. As...
B2B Communication : When less is more
The last year has shown that Portuguese companies are highly resilient, having managed to adapt quickly to ensure their sustainability in a scenario that brought many new challenges. But in this context, did they know how to find the...
InterComm Report: ESCS study identifies 7 major trends among B2B companies
Foram apresentadas as conclusões do estudo InterComm Report – B2B Communication Trends in Global Businesses (InterComm), desenvolvido pela Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa e a SayU Consulting – Evoke Network, com o apoio...