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Topic Clusters para a criação de Topic Authority

Topic Clusters para a criação de Topic Authority

    No panorama atual de SEO a visibilidade e a autoridade são cruciais para o sucesso, tornando-se a Topic Authority um elemento fundamental.   O expertise num tema específico demonstra ao Google a confiabilidade e o conhecimento do site,...

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3 practices to explore in Digital Marketing

3 practices to explore in Digital Marketing

  O marketing digital deve ser um dos principais focos de uma estratégia global de marketing de qualquer organização.   Nunca como agora existiu uma forma de manter um contato tão consistente com o público, e nada mais oferece o nível de personalização que...

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The role of B2B companies

The role of B2B companies

B2B companies The role in society and the business dynamics of B2B companies, particularly exporters, are unquestionably unique and the current situation presents new challenges, particularly in terms of managing relationships with customers and other stakeholders, as well as...

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Knowing the local reality

Knowing the local reality

Networking and Public Relations Working in a coherent and integrated way the Communication will be what will allow answering the challenge of reaching not only new clients, but all stakeholders. And this dimension will be more attainable, efficient and effective with the...

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Crisis Management Phase 3

Crisis Management Phase 3

  A última fase de uma gestão de crises é em modo reflexivo, com recuperação, avaliação e aprendizagem, numa ação pós-crise.   Em primeiro lugar será necessária uma análise dos efeitos operacionais e reputacionais de uma crise numa organização, nomeadamente...

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Crisis Management Phase 2

Crisis Management Phase 2

  A segunda fase de um plano de gestão de crises é uma fase em modo reativo, que assenta em resposta, reconhecimento e contenção, com identificação da crise e stakeholders, seleção da estratégia e ativação do sistema de resposta.   São vários os exemplos de...

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Crisis Management Phase 1

Crisis Management Phase 1

  The first phase of a crisis management plan is a pre-crisis phase, which is based on a mode of proactivity and prevention, preparation and detection of signals, with anticipation and forecasting of actual and potential risks within an organization and development of...

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Unison Strategy

Unison Strategy

Unison Strategy Defining a unison communication strategy creates a map and a plan that can be consulted and revised during the various phases of implementing communication actions. The basis of a successful communication plan is a story. To...

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Communication reorganization and differentiation

Communication reorganization and differentiation

Differentiation of Communication Few organizations are aware of the benefits of giving space for Communication, understood in a broad sense and not limited to product or service communication, to contribute to the...

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Global dimension with local expertise

Global dimension with local expertise

Global dimension Faced with the internationalization of business and the globalization of markets, the ability to deliver global marketing strategies is increasingly important. Achieving consistency in this international positioning, or global dimension, and in...

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