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Say Fusion: Convergence of ecosystems and platforms

Say Fusion: Convergence of ecosystems and platforms

  Convergência de ecossistemas: nova era de oportunidades   Num mundo digital em constante evolução, a convergência de ecossistemas e plataformas está a tornar-se cada vez mais importante. Esta fusão de diferentes ambientes e tecnologias cria possibilidades para...

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The Intelligent Marketing of Mastercard - continued

The Intelligent Marketing of Mastercard - continued

Priceless Mastercard's marketing and communications actions over the last 10 years reveal an analytical and intelligent strategy. In recent years, various studies have revealed that experience is taking precedence over product in the list of priorities for today's user. And with a...

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Mastercard's intelligent marketing

Mastercard's intelligent marketing

Mastercard Digital and technological evolution can be used to our advantage when we talk about communication and digital marketing in conjunction with an increasingly demanding public. Take the case of Mastercard. In the year 2000, people spent 14 minutes analyzing...

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The evolution of Instagram

The evolution of Instagram

Instagram Instagram is a social network for sharing photos and videos, launched in 2010 with an initial intimate outlook that quickly changed. Following its acquisition by Facebook in 2012, Instagram's boom as an advertising and marketing tool...

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How to use Twitter for marketing?

How to use Twitter for marketing?

Twitter Although Twitter has only 22% users in Portugal, it is a platform that, if well used, can bring many benefits to your business. Twitter users are very loyal to this social network because...

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5 Steps to create viral content

5 Steps to create viral content

5 Steps to create viral content Whatever our goal in creating content, the main goal that any company has is to attract attention to our services or products. We leave you with 5 steps to create viral content that will give your networks a boost...

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Brand Crisis Situation - What to do?

Brand Crisis Situation - What to do? 

Brand Crisis Situation - What to do? No company, no matter how solid, ethical or responsible, is free from being involved in a brand crisis situation. With the ease and speed with which information is disseminated these days, no...

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The Perverse Use of Communication

The Perverse Use of Communication

The Perverse Use of Communication Like any other activity, communication should be developed respecting ethical and deontological principles. In today's article, we refer to two documentaries that show us the controversial effects of the perverse use of...

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How to organize an event? 5 tips to keep in mind

How to organize an event? 5 tips to keep in mind

How to organize an event Organizing an event is an exciting challenge for any communication professional. Regardless of the size or duration of the event, you need to carefully plan every step of the way. In today's article,...

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Should brands be on all social networks?

Should brands be on all social networks?

Should brands be on all social networks? Today, social networks are as important a communication channel as any other. When we want to find out more about a particular brand, one of the first things we do is a quick search...

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