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Como aplicar SEO no Instagram?

Como aplicar SEO no Instagram?

    SEO para Instagram consiste em aplicar as melhores práticas para garantir que determinado perfil e publicações sejam facilmente encontradas pelos utilizadores.   No entanto, com a crescente concorrência, destacar-se de todas as outras contas pode...

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Public Relations and Social Experiences

Public Relations and Social Experiences

Human nature is meant to be curious. This principle set the stage for the following mix of PR and social experiments, which has proven very successful for all parties involved, including the public. ComPTIA, the leading association in the industry...

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Curate, research and evaluate social media

Curate, research and evaluate social media

Social Media Content An important practical consideration in social media management is that PR professionals don't need to produce all the content. Many organizations are discovering and taking advantage of the culture of collaboration and...

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Constant monitoring and analysis

Constant monitoring and analysis

A 'golden rule' in social media is to start by listening. Listening in social media can be done through individual subscriptions and regular visits to various platforms, or by using a specialized social media monitoring app or service. There are...

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The organization of social media platforms

The organization of social media platforms

In an organization, various departments manage and interact with social media platforms. These include marketing, PR or corporate communications, and sometimes IT divisions. Social Media Codes of Conduct There should be policies and guidelines...

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Robotic Influence on Media and Public Relations

Robotic Influence on Media and Public Relations

Still in its infancy, the impact of automation and robotic influence can also be seen in Public Relations. Software and technology support, and sometimes replace, the need for human professionals. This last case is noticeable in the process of creating...

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PR and media: defining and framing the agenda

PR and media: defining and framing the agenda

By setting and framing the agenda, PR professionals need to divert the public's attention. Not only this, but they can also use these strategies to put various topics into the public consciousness. In a sense, this is how successful PR is measured. 

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The change in PR - new challenges

The change in PR - new challenges

Gone are the days when we sent press releases to an entire list of media outlets. The end of independence between an organization's sales, IT, marketing, or HR departments has also occurred. Simply put: the PR strategy...

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Digital Transformation and the New Public Relations

Digital Transformation and the New Public Relations

With the evolution of technology, Public Relations professionals have had and have to evolve in the way they work to adapt to the new challenges of the new Public Relations. This hasn't just happened in the communications field. Digital transformation has already happened in most industries. 

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