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Dec 19, 2022

Intercomm Report B2B: communication takes on strategic importance

O sucesso das empresas B2B exportadoras está intrinsecamente relacionado com a aposta na comunicação. Mais de dois terços destas organizações planeiam investir nesta área num futuro próximo, consolidando o seu papel critico na gestão da relação com os stakeholders, revela a segunda fase do estudo InterComm Report B2B, sob o mote #TheWayForward 22 » 23.

The analysis undertaken in this study, developed by the School of Media Studies of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon and SayU Consulting, shows that this effectiveness involves increasing the reputation of companies and building and consolidating their relationships. The goal will be to make innovation known, establish synergies, trust and cooperation in a space for dialogue and negotiation.

After a challenging and uncertain period, all the companies surveyed recognized the greater importance of the role of Communication, considering it critical in managing relations with all stakeholders. More than 70% of these organizations intend to invest in Communication in the near future. The conclusions are the result of a new round of contact with companies with a B2B focus and relevant international business, allowing us to understand what has changed, what has remained the same and what the future prospects are.

“No futuro, esperamos ver um papel mais preponderante de uma narrativa humanizada, uma vez que esta é fundamental para a construção de ligações com significado. O mundo irá exigir maior transparência e mais confiança. Será essencial às empresas nacionais B2B exportadoras, aumentar a sua reputação, construir e consolidar as suas relações”, referem Ana Raposo e Marta Gonçalves, investigadoras responsáveis pelo InterComm Report B2B TheWayForward 22/23.

The results show that, for a more effective action in foreign markets and, consequently, an increase in competitiveness and conversion of opportunities into business, Communication plays a fundamental role, and must be transparent and convey trust.

A primeira fase do estudo decorreu em 2020, tendo os seus resultados sido apresentados em A segunda etapa, que agora termina, aponta alguns dos caminhos possíveis para uma ação eficaz e assertiva em mercados globais.

According to the study, the focus will have to be on the ability to strengthen partnerships and transform relationships. This is an opportunity that requires agility at all levels, as well as a great deal of flexibility, adaptation and persistence, which is only possible with well-structured and focused communication. Reputation management and consolidation are part of this journey, making the company's identity and values known to all stakeholders.

Novas preocupações, nomeadamente a sustentabilidade e o bem-estar dos profissionais, numa ótica de responsabilidade social corporativa, vão impulsionar a agenda da maioria das marcas B2B. Estas terão de desenhar uma estratégia clara e transparente para comunicar e, segundo o InterComm, modelos sustentados em data – incluindo a previsão de tendências, necessidades, comportamentos, utilização e insights para personalizar estratégias de communication – vão conquistar um peso crescente.

The analysis also reinforces that this strategic function brings added value to operations in global markets, where people are still looking for a foothold, and that it is essential to work on notoriety and a good reputation with communication actions that contribute to the commercial and operational development of organizations.

This second phase of the InterComm Report B2B integrates national and international business experience, academic and technical knowledge, statistical information and contact with the market under study in a complementary way, through an interview survey of 30 national B2B exporting companies from different sectors, sizes and maturities.




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