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Jun 2, 2014

Internalizing an entrepreneurial response

Internalizing an entrepreneurial response


The media hype surrounding startups makes it an unavoidable subject for anyone who looks at how an organization presents itself to the public and what consequences its specific nature has.

The support and appetite to take risks and create a new project that exists today also means a multitude of ways to implement a communication process, in a logic of adaptation between the organization, its positioning and the tools it chooses to achieve its communication objectives.

At the same time, the Marketing and communications professionals are confronted with the need to respond to challenges posed by organizations that have yet to write a story, building from scratch the steps to be followed by an organization that wants to see its journey recognized.

The different realities at play require a capacity to adapt. Not all organizations want to communicate in the same way and not all the tools and methodologies that can be used are beneficial in a given case. It is essential to recognize the signs and shape an appropriate response to the specific needs presented.

More than ever, the aim is to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit in the way we communicate. For each moment to be developed, we must pause to evaluate old solutions, consider new perspectives and design a response that makes full sense for the goal to be achieved.



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