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Feb 2, 2021

Learning to work with different scenarios



One of the many lessons we can learn from the pandemic is that it is increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to make predictions. But that doesn't mean we can't prepare ourselves as best we can for the uncertainties and challenges that will certainly continue to be part of our future. And that means working with alternative scenarios.

Organizations usually work with a scenario that takes place the following year. But normal, as we used to know it, is no longer part of the vocabulary. In this new normal, one of the things that organizations need and are learning, adapting and considering is to try to anticipate as much as possible the various scenarios that environments and contexts can give us. Trying to anticipate different scenarios with action plans suited to each one. Plans of which marketing communications must be an integral part in order to guarantee efficiency and effectiveness.

Factors exogenous to organizations are uncontrollable, but they are adaptable. Many organizations are working, many for the first time, on alternative scenarios for the medium term. The whole strategy, the pillars of growth, have to be common, but the action plans vary according to the scenarios. These are things you learn and which are essential, and which require communication.

Transparent, clear and direct communication is essential. Communication must start with board of the organization and be transversal to employees, customers and suppliers. It's something that is an integral part of the new normal. The importance of communication with the various stakeholders has become very clear in this period of pandemic is an absolutely key and critical factor in thinking about how, now and in the future, we are going to adapt and evolve.

Communication marketing increases the ability to pay attention and respond to market trends and signals. It guarantees the possibility of adaptation while maintaining loyalty to the objective and strategy.

Find out how to make this moment of "rethinking" that many organizations are going through efficient and effective.



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