by Editor | May 25, 2023 | #Movers&Shakers
Como criar campanhas que envolvam comunicação e sustentabilidade? Embora alguns de nós façam um esforço adicional para reduzir o seu impacto no planeta, não o podemos fazer sozinhos. Precisamos que as marcas, que têm muito mais influência do que uma única pessoa,...
by Editor | Sep 22, 2022 | #SuccessSteps
One of the most significant changes in the media is the shift in control. It has gone from the total control of a few corporations or governments involved in broadcasting centrally produced content, to an open and...
by OUAB | Mar 9, 2022 | #What we Communicate
- Chinese consumers are changing their lifestyle to align with personal development goals - Three quarters of respondents say their lifestyle has changed since the Covid-19 outbreak - In an economic environment...
by mink | Mar 18, 2019 | #What we Communicate
More confident consumers Lisbon, March 2019 - According to Nielsen's Growth Reporter study, FMCG recorded a total dynamism of 2.8% in value in the national market over the last year, which proves the good performance seen in all...
by mink | Feb 22, 2019 | #What we Communicate
A sense of optimism about financial well-being Lisbon, February 2019 - Global consumers are showing a sense of optimism about their financial well-being, especially in developing markets....
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