GO360º>PR4Startups at Acredita Portugal

GO360º>PR4Startups at Acredita Portugal

O destaque da edição do jornal SOL de dia 03 de junho à disponibilização do modelo de Comunicação “GO360º>PR4Startups”, desenvolvido pela Say U Consulting, aos vencedores do concurso de empreendedorismo da Acredita Portugal.
7 steps to outline a successful communication strategy

7 steps to outline a successful communication strategy

7 steps to outlining a successful communication strategy Communication is increasingly becoming a key factor in the success of organizations. 7 steps to outlining a successful communication strategy One of the reasons why we are experiencing a market where...
5 tips to boost engagement in your organization

5 tips to boost engagement in your organization

Several studies show that the average attention span of a reader of an online article is around 8.5 seconds. 5 tips to boost your organization's engagement Because we live in a reality where everything happens quickly, at extraordinary speed, every...
Business intelligence

Business intelligence

Competitive Intelligence or Business Intelligence is linked to the process of collecting, organizing, analyzing and monitoring information that supports the business. Business Intelligence is a very important strategy for staying informed about the actions of...



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