We are

We are a strategic Marketing and Communication consultancy with the core business in B2B and Institutional communication. We were born in 2009 with a clear purpose: to enhance the reputation of brands and organizations through a personalized and "à la carte" service, the talent of the team and the operationalization of its own methodology, which translates into efficient and effective tools and solutions. 


We do

We are experts in putting Notoriety and Reputation at the service of business. With engagement With a powerful and permanent focus on results, we develop original solutions in the areas of Institutional Communication / B2C / B2B, Press Office, Public Affairs, Employer Branding, Social Media Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Events and Web.


We commit

We combine the breadth of the offer in the areas of Public Relations, Creativity, Digital and Events, the experience in various industries / sectors and businesses, and the expertise of the consulting team, in a highly personalized response aimed at demonstrating how Reputation and Communication are essential for business development and growth.

Good communication as a business strategy

Franchises depend on trust. Like any business relationship they require open and honest communication and a good franchise relationship is a valuable business asset to be nurtured and developed. By providing consistent, quality communication and support in...

The Collaborator-Driven Process

Follow these steps to put together an effective employer branding strategy that meets your employees' needs and enhances their role. Step 1. familiarize yourself with your organization When you are able to define the unique attributes of your organization, it is...

What is the impact of an employer brand?

Similar to the way a corporate brand works (which provides a value proposition to customers by defining a particular offering in the marketplace), an employer brand includes the perception of your company as an employer, also describing the promise, or value proposition...

3 examples of effective employer branding campaigns

In an increasingly competitive job market, a positive employer branding strategy is essential, positioning and promoting your brand to the best candidates. According to Beamery, 59% of employers say employer branding is one of...

ESG in Focus: Communication for a Sustainable Future

Num contexto em transformação, a sustentabilidade deixa de ser uma escolha para se tornar uma oportunidade estratégica. Comunicar de forma transparente os princípios ESG não é apenas imperativo, é essencial para construir confiança. "Vivemos num tempo em que a aposta...

How to improve communication with franchisees

Effective communication is essential to the success of any franchise business. Use these tips to help keep your franchisees updated and engaged. Many of the problems that franchise businesses face can be put down to failures of...

Challenges of the relationship between franchisor and franchisee

There is often a shared fear of failure between franchisors and franchisee. Franchisors may feel skeptical that their franchisees will not meet their agreed sales numbers, which can make franchisees feel...

Communication Campaigns for Sustainability

While some of us will make an extra effort to reduce our impact on the planet, we cannot do it alone. We need brands which have far more influence than a single person, to take transformative action. Companies from all sectors have pledged...

Communicating sustainability strategically

"Sustainability communication" cannot be defined without addressing the main objective of communication in a business context: profit. How can professionals in the field simultaneously achieve profitability and sustainability for their...

Why is Sustainable Communication relevant?

Sustainable communication can improve the way organizations work with the environment and their stakeholders. In turn, this strategy can help organizations increase brand loyalty, improve employee satisfaction, meet the...

“Portugal Agora” debate aprendizagens e competências para o futuro

“Portugal Agora” debate aprendizagens e competências para o futuro.  Conferência discute desafios, e propostas de resposta, na questão da educação. Iniciativa “Aprender @PT” tem como base o foco nas aprendizagens como ponto de partida e colocar o capital humano no...

Iván Llanos nomeado Diretor de RH da Euromaster Espanha e Portugal

Iván Llanos nomeado Diretor de RH da Euromaster para Espanha e Portugal. O objetivo da empresa é continuar a centrar-se nas pessoas, tanto nos clientes, como nos colaboradores.  Lisboa, 26 de abril – A Euromaster, rede de oficinas especialista em manutenção integral...

Mazars reforça área de Assurance Financial Services

A Mazars reforça área de Assurance Financial Services. Ricardo Cardoso é o novo Senior Manager da área de Assurance Financial Services da Mazars em Portugal Movimento estratégico alinhado com o compromisso da empresa e objetivo de desenvolvimento do setor de serviços...

Soluções ‘Agrivoltaicas’ para um Futuro Sustentável

A Image4All está na vanguarda da união entre energia renovável e agricultura sustentável. O ‘agrivoltaico’ combina a produção de energia solar fotovoltaica com atividades agrícolas na mesma área e emerge como uma solução promissora para enfrentar os desafios globais...

Euromaster espera atingir 600 oficinas na Península Ibérica

Reunião bienal no Porto estabeleceu caminho a seguir que se centra na sustentabilidade ambiental, rentabilidade económica das oficinas e desafio da substituição geracional. Próximos objetivos passam por aposta clara na digitalização e na oferta de um serviço cada vez...

Executivos otimistas, mas querem regulamentação éticas

A Mazars lança o mais recente barómetro C-Suite e os executivos estão otimistas para um ano de transformação, mas querem maior regulamentação e orientações éticas.  Líderes empresariais confiantes na sua capacidade de gestão das principais tendências externas e...

Listening for faulty injectors in your car can save you a bill of over 1,000 euros

Escutar a avaria dos injetores do automóvel pode evitar uma fatura acima dos 1.000 euros. A função desta peça é injetar o combustível certo, no momento certo e com a quantidade certa de vaporização. Para evitar uma avaria, a Euromaster lembra que é essencial...

"Portugal Now" launches 12 proposals to respond to 5 challenges

“Portugal Agora” lança 12 propostas para responder a 5 desafios. Plataforma define desafios, à escala nacional, até 2030, e apresenta propostas para os concretizar. Iniciativa tem como base o foco nas aprendizagens como ponto de partida e colocar o capital humano no...

Euromaster exceeds 10% market share in light vehicles and 15% in industrial vehicles

Rede de oficinas Euromaster especializada em manutenção integral de veículos reforça a sua liderança com 88 centros. Lisboa, 08 de fevereiro – A Euromaster, rede de oficinas especialista em manutenção integral de veículos, registou em 2023 um aumento da sua quota de...

Elements to check for winter weather

Good preparation for the rigors of winter is essential. Euromaster recommends checking the condition of the car's tires, battery and wiper blades. And pay close attention to checking the operation of the lights. Lisbon, January 18 - The...



We know that it is knowledge of new trends that allows us to stay one step ahead. Innovating the way we help brands and customers to be better known and sell more is the goal of "Business-to-Business: Beyond Business Communication (B2B-BBC)". The aim of this project is to understand the role of communication in stakeholder engagement by B2B companies. Our R&D area is developed in partnership with academia and market actors, namely the School of Social Communication and the AICEP Portugal Global.



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